The Competitions and Special Activities at Folke Golf Club

See the latest information on club activities and reports of events and achievements and follow the links for further details where available. (Please see the Senior Page for information on Senior activities and events.)

What's On
2025 Weekend Away
This years weekend away will take place at the Abbey Golf Spa Hotel near Redditch, Worcestershire on the Ryder Cup weekend - Friday to Sunday - 26th to 28th September. The weekend includes 3 rounds of golf and dinner, bed, and breakfast for an all inclusive price of £280 (£20 cheaper than 2024). Be sure to book your place on this popular event by entering your name on the Entry Sheet on the board and payment of £100 deposit. 20 spaces have been reserved and the tee of on Friday 26th is at 1pm.


2025 Race to the Village

After several postponements Round 2 of the RTTV competition will be played on Sunday 16th March at 8:30 am. (See the Panel  below for the Round 1 results and the RTTV Captain's report)  There are 12 rounds (on the last Sunday of the month or thereabouts) and the best 8 scores count. The Entry Fee funds prize amounts for the top 3 finishers of the season with  double points rounds, nearest the pin competitions and a day away at Oake Manor, Taunton, on  Sunday 25th May. The entry fee for the day away is £45 and includes a full English breakfast on arrival and an 18 hole stableford. First tee at 11:30 am. Good luck everyone. 

Three Counties Team Win

Our 3 counties Team won their winter knockout round against Vivary Park at the Yeovil Newton Course  on 8th March. Big thank you to Vice Captain Simon  Bellamy who led the team to a 3/2 victory. The next round is the semi-final against Cannington B on Saturday 22nd March at Yeovil. The first tee is 11:06 am. The Entry Sheet is on the club Notice Board so please sign up if you would like to play in this event. 

Review of Events

(For Senior Events Check the Senior Page)
The overall  Club Calendar of Events  for 2025 are shown on the Calendar Page and the Hardy A, Hardy B and 3 Counties Team schedules of events will be  shown on the League Teams page when the 2025 information is available. 

Winners and Order Of Merits 
Latest competition winners and OOM Tables for the 2025 Monthly (Sunday) Medal and the RTTV are shown below. The Weekday medal and Tiger Trophy results and Orders of Merit are shown on the Senior page. 

Roll Ups
These are held most Saturdays and Sundays when there are no other events - Check Facebook/WhatsApp for details.

Week Day Roll Ups: are held on Tuesdays and Thursdays are for all club members but entry for the money pot is  seniors only. Cards are drawn at 8:15 am.

Sunday and Weekday Medal Competitions
These once per month competitions are for all club members. The Weekday medal commences at the reserved tee times at 8:30 am with cards drawn at 8:15 am although the members can arrange their own tee times throughout the day. The Sunday Medal usually starts at 8:00 am with tee times pre-drawn on the Friday evening by the handicap secretary.

Race to the Village  
Round 2 is now schedules for this Sunday - March 16th, with the first tee at 8:30. See the Panel above for the 2025  RTTV matches and RTTV Day Away details, and the panel below for the results of Round 1. 

Knockout Competitions:  The Winter Knockout competitions are now complete. Congratulations to our worthy winners Andy Guppy (Club K/O), Pete Nettley (Sen K/O) and Bob Taylor (Vet K/O). The full results can be seen on the Knockout Page. The Summer Knockouts are due to commence in April and the Entry Sheets are on the Notice Board. The entry fee is £2 per competition and must be paid prior to the draw that is scheduled for Wednesday 16th April.

Committee Meetings: The club officials meet once per month - usually at 6:30 pm at Folke. All members are welcome to attend. The date of the next meeting is shown below and the results of the meeting are shown on  the Members Admin page of this web site.

Current Events 
Saturday 1st March - Roll Up: Won by Terry Kadshaw with 37 points. (See Result Table below)
Sunday 2nd March - Daily Mail Foursomes Qualifier: Won by Pete Anyan and Reece Lamborn.
Tuesday 4th March - Tiger Trophy: Won by David Hewitt with 39 points. See the Senior Page or details.
Saturday 8th March - 3CL Knockout: Yeovil Newton Course. See panel below.
Saturday 8th March - Roll Up: Won by Tony Smith with 35 points. See Table below.
Sunday 9th March - Medal: Won by Toby Harris (Net 63) and Tony Smith (Gross 84). See Results and OOM Tables below.
Wednesday 12th March - Committee Meeting at Folke: See the Members Admin page for the results.
Sunday 16th March - RTTV Round 2: First tee at 8:30 am.
Thursday 20th March - Medal: Cards drawn at 8:15 am.
Saturday 22nd March -- 3CL K/O Semi-final: v Cannington B at Yeovil. 1st tee is 11:06 am. The entry sheet is on the Notice Board.

 Results of Other Recent Events
Captain's Drive In - Saturday 1st February
Overall Winner
Toby Harris
Nearest the Pin Guess Roger Harvey
Nigel, Martin and Grant
Drive-In Results
RTTV Round 1 

Captain Andy's Match report- RTTV 2025 Round 1 kicked off with a bang (or at least a banging headache for some 🫡😉) with fantastic turn out of 16 players. Nathan Lambourne took 1st with 7 pars, 7 bogeys and 34 Stableford points beating debuting Dan Tuffin on countback. In 3rd place Alan Smith with 33pts, 4th R. Lambert 32pts, 5th Pete Anyan, 6th myself, 7th Kev Down all on 30pts, 8th A. Wynne 29pts, 9th S. Terry 28pts and in 10th Mark Baker 27pts also on his debut taking the last of the Rttv points position. (See Table for full standings). Honourable mention goes to Dan Tuffin for lowest gross of 82 👏 and to Cpt. Martin Blatchford for actually being awake and making it to the course for 8:30am! 🤪🫡. Thank you to everyone for getting involved and for your patience during the weather set backs. Hope to see you all for Round 2 when a revised date has been defined. Cheers ⛳️🏌️‍♂️

2025 Club Captains Charity

Julia’s House is a Children's Hospice in Dorset and Wiltshire. We are an award-winning children’s hospice charity dedicated to bringing comfort and care to families across the two counties. Each family we support is unique and so is the care we provide. When a family finds out that their child has a very serious medical condition, which is life-limiting or life-threatening, their world falls apart. Julia’s House exists to help these children and their families.

  • Folke Golf Centre
  • Folke Lane
  • Alweston, Sherborne
  • Dorset DT9 5HR
  • 01963  23330