See the latest information on club activities and reports of events and achievements and follow the links for further details where available. (Please see the Senior Page for information on Senior activities and events.)
The Senior Christmas Stableford and the Folke Golf Club Stableford will held on the 17th and 21st of December respectively. A Christmas Lunch will follow both events and the trophy winners will be able to collect their prizes. Enter via the Entry Forms on the Notice Board.
The 2024 Weekend Away was held at Donnington Valley Golf Club from Friday September 27th to Sunday 29th. This included 2 nights half board and 3 rounds of golf. 20 Folke Golfers attended and competed in the annual Travellers Tankard competition followed by the Craig Pitcher Trophy. See the results and photos in the panel below.
(For Senior Events Check the Senior Page)
The overall Club Calendar of Events and current month events are shown on the Calendar Page and the Hardy A, Hardy B and 3 Counties Team schedules of events will be shown on the League Teams page when the 2024 information is available. Latest winners and OOM Tables are shown below.(as available). Check the members WhatsApp Group or the club Facebook Page for any last minute changes.
Roll Ups are held most Saturdays and Sundays when there are no other events - Check Facebook for details.
Week Day Roll Ups: held on Tuesdays and Thursdays are for all club members but entry for the money pot is seniors only. Cards are drawn at 8:15 am.
Race to the Village RTTV Round 9
See the Panel below for Andy Cole's Match Report. The next round will be held on Sunday October 27th.
Knockout Competitions: The 2024 Summer Knockout competitions are complete with the Club Final results defined. Congratulations to the Club Knockout champion Joe Boon, Senior Knockout Champion Derek Hinks and the Veterans Knockout winner Gary Rogers. See the Winter Knockout pairings and status.
Wednesday 18th September - Meeting: See the Members Admin Page for main points.
Saturday 21st September - Roll Up: Won by Simon Hughes with 38 points. See Table below.
Thursday 26th September - Medal: Won by Reece Lambert with Net 75.
Fri/Sat/Sun 27th-29th September - Weekend Away: Donnington. See Panel below.
Saturday 28th September - Roll Up: Won by Daniel Carter with 39 points. See Table below.
Tuesday 1st October - Tiger Trophy: Won by John Howes with 39 points. See the Senior Page for details.
Saturday 5th October - Roll Up: Won by Mark Maguire with 35 points. (See Table below)
Sunday 6th October - RTTV Round 9. Won by Reece Lambert with 43 points See the Panel below for details.
Sunday 13th October - Medal: Entry Sheet on Notice Board or via Howdidido
Tuesday 15th October - Breakfast Stableford: Entry Sheet on the Notice Board.
Wednesday 16th October - Committee Meeting: 6:30 pm at Folke.
Andy Cole's Match report - "Reece Lambert was a cut above the rest today winning 1st place with an excellent score of 43 Stableford points, consisting of 8 pars and 3 birdies. In a close 2nd with a great score of 41 points was Merv Jennings. In 3rd place Kev Down with 37 points beating Martin Blatchford and John Howes on countback. In 6th place myself, 36pts. Anthony Wynne 7th, 33pts. Roger Harvey 8th, 32pts. Yoss 9th, 28pts beating Alan Smith on countback. In 11th and just outside the Rttv points Nathan Lambourne. Honourable mention goes to Blatchy, Yoss, Al for all scoring birdies and of course to Reece for scoring 3 birdies, lowest gross of 77 and being 1 under on the back 9 . Thank you to everyone for taking part the next round is also this month Oct 27th, look forward to seeing you all then. Cheers!
Weekend Away Results
A great weekend was had by the 20 Folke players that went on the 2024 weekend away at Donnington Valley Golf Club. Three competitions were held over the weekend: The Friday Stableford, - Sat Travellers Tankard and Sunday Craig Pitcher Trophy - were closely fought matches with Kevin Down and Joe Boon vying for top spots. Kevin won the Friday Stableford on countback from Joe and then Travellers Tankard with 36 points - just 1 point clear of Joe. Anthony Wynne came third with 32 points. The Craig Pitcher Trophy match was fittingly won with 36 points by the trophy doner Craig Pitcher, with Joe Boon again in second place with 34 points. The overall winner with the most points from the three events (and winner of the Craig Pitcher Trophy) was Joe Boon with 102 points - 9 points clear of second place Kevin Down. (See Table). Congratulations to all the winners and a big thank-you to Martin Blatchford for his hard work arranging another great Folke Golf Club event. Watch the Notice Board for the Entry Sheet for the 2025 Day Away at Enmore golf club on 13th June.
Home-Start Blackmore Vale provides support to parents with at least one child under 5 who are going through a difficult time. Being a parent, whatever your situation, can be very challenging, especially when children are young. Many parents feel exhausted and overwhelmed by the stresses of family life. For some parents it’s a particular struggle because they are also coping with issues such as post-natal depression, their or their child’s illness or disability, isolation or multiple births. That’s when parents need support. That’s when Home-Start Blackmore Vale can help. A carefully selected trained volunteer, who has parenting experience, can visit regularly and offer emotional and practical support. This friendly parent-to-parent support is a simple yet effective way of enabling families to get back on track.