Folke Golf Club

Welcome to our Club

Folke Golf Club is a friendly and successful golf club that competes in many of the local  golf leagues and has an active schedule of  competitions. Annual membership is available for golfers of  all levels and ages. New members are  always welcome. 

Our Club

Our friendly club has about 100 members and, based at Folke Golf Centre, takes an active part in the local leagues (Hardy A, Hardy B, Three Counties League). The Senior Section play friendly home and away matches with senior teams from many local clubs.

There is a very substantial calendar of internal club competitions with monthly medals, day and weekends away, and regular weekly “roll-ups”.  New members are always welcome. See the  New Members Welcome Pack for more details.

Club Membership

The Club Membership Fee (See below) allows entry into Club Teams for league and friendly matches with other clubs, entry to internal Folke Club competitions, and subsidised green fees (depending upon the centre member status)*. It also includes a County Card that provides reduced green fees on courses throughout the South West. To join or for more information call Steve on 01963 23330

*For green fee and Centre Membership information click HERE
The 2024 Club Membership Fees  are as follows:
New Members (no H/C): £120 (Incl. 3 rounds of golf)
New Members (w H/C) £100
Renewals: £70
Juniors (age 16 or less): £35 

Breaking News

Latest Breaking News about club activities. 
-  Knockout Draws
- Special Events  
- Senior events
-  Committee Notes
- 2024 League Fixtures

Catering Arrangements
The clubhouse and restaurant facilities have now re-opened after refurbishment. Lunchtime, weekend and some evening meals will now be available.  For more details of the menu and opening times click HERE.

Folke Golf Club is EnglandGolf Safeguarding accredited.

Folke Golf Club supports the England Golf commitment to ensure that the sport of golf is one within which all participants can thrive in a safe environment and that all children and adults have an enjoyable and positive experience when playing golf. Club members are requested to review the club Safeguarding policies and procedure documents, as shown in the diagram, which are as follows (Click to View):
- Folke Golf Club Safeguarding Policy
- Children & Young People Safeguarding Policy & - Procedures
- Safeguarding Adults Policy

Follow Us!

  • Folke Golf Centre
  • Folke Lane
  • Alweston, Sherborne
  • Dorset DT9 5HR
  • 01963  23330