Members Admin

Club Admin Items  & Committee Information

This page shows the administration aspects for club members as discussed at the most recent  committee meeting. (Note: Financial information that is presented by the treasurer, and other information on discussions  is available for review by members in the club house). All club members are welcome to attend the monthly committee meetings and the date of the next meeting can be seen below. 

The following notes show the 2025 Club Officials and pertinent information from the latest  club Committee Meeting.

1       2025 Officials

The following officials were appointed as follows: 
General Secretary - Toni Caswell 
Treasurer -  Debbie Hinks 
Welfare/Safety Officer  - Toni Caswell 
Fixture Secretary  - Steve Harris 
Handicap Secretary -   Martin Blatchford 
Webmaster - Geoff Bannister 
General Committee Members -  Andy Cole, Reece Lambert,  Alan Smith, Terry Cotton, Nathan Lambourne, Simon Bellamy, Dan Leney
Club Captain - Martin Blatchford
Club Vice Captain - Nigel Bow
Senior Captain - John Howes
Senior Fixtures Officer - Gary Rogers
Hardy A Captain - Craig Pitcher
Hardy A Vice Capt.- Nathan Lambourne
Hardy B Captain - Nigel Bow
Hardy B Vice Captain - Kevin Down
3 Counties Captain - Grant Jones
3 Counties Vice Captain - Simon Bellamy
RTTV Captain - Andy Cole

2    Notes from the Committee meeting held on 12th March

- Outstanding Issues From Previous Meetings

• 2025 Hardy A Fixtures
The fixture list is now on the board.

• Hardy B/3CL Matches
Players are available for both teams on 12th April so action resolved.

• Club Cash Terminal
The secretary reported that investigations had shown that this was not financially worthwhile.

• Club Laptop
Secretary Toni confirmed that a suitable Club Lap Top computer had been procured.

• Two Shot Penalty Drop/Club Rule Book
Significant discussion took place on the application of a club rule on the two shot penalty drop taking into consideration the current requirements as laid down by the R&A rule book. Further discussion was deferred to the next meeting when more information should be available. (Including a video tabled by Andy Cole post meeting). As part of the discussion, Geoff Bannister tabled a list of local rules that had been discussed at previous meetings and a R&A guide on the potential local rule topics but he had been unable to track down the Club Rule book.

• Prize Options
As a result of the member’s pole, the competition prizes will remain as glassware.

Captains Reports
•  Club Captain
Club Captain Martin confirmed that the Summer Knockout Entry Sheets were now on the Notice Board and emphasised that the £2 entry fee must be paid prior to the draw in April. He congratulated Pete Anyan and Reece Lambert on their qualification for the Daily Mail Pairs competition. He recommended that Steve and Toby Harris should represent the club in the Adult/Junior competition at Crane Valley and the meeting agreed that the club would pay the £40 entry fee. He also congratulated the 3CL Team for their win at Yeovil last week and wished them good luck in the semi-final.

 Senior Captain
Senior Captain John Howes reported that the first match was away at Wincanton on 29th April. The next club event was a Breakfast Stableford on 15th April.

 Hardy A Captain
Nothing to report. The first match is away to Lyme Regis on 19th April and the entry sheet is on the notice board.

 Hardy B Captain
Nothing to report. The first match is away at Meyrick Park on 12th April and the entry sheet is on the notice board.

 Three Counties Captain
The team won their winter knockout and are now in the semi-final against Cannington B at Yeovil on 22nd March.

Handicap Secretary’s Report
H/C Secretary Martin reported that he is attending the England Golf Handicap workshop on the 2nd April. He confirmed that after discussions with Green Keeper Andy the course ratings will not be impacted by the tree planting on the 7th/8th fairways.

Treasurers Report
A detailed financial report was tabled by Treasurer Debbie. (It is available for members to review in the club house) The overall balance was still quite healthy although this must be carefully watched over the next period. Increases in the DCGU affiliation fees are expected next year.

Secretary’s Report
Secretary Toni reported that 113 members had now signed up. Further membership enquiries had been recently been received from players from another local club. Affiliation fees are due for payment soon so the 2024 members that have not renewed their membership will be deleted from the members list so that affiliation fees are not incurred.

Any Other Business
Bell on the 12th Fairway
Nathan Lambourne enquired about the possibility of a bell on the 12th fairway to indicate that the fairway was clear for players to cut the corner from the 12th tee. Captain Martin reported that after discussions with Green Keeper the most effective solution would be to use a spotter positioned around the 3rd tee area to indicate that the fairway was clear.

Course Boundaries
Andy Cole asked for clarification of the rules for leaving the course for example, to pick up items of golfing gear that were inadvertently left in the car. He believed that the official rules allowed for leaving the course to pick up additional clubs etc provided that the proscribed number of clubs (14) were not exceeded. Significant discussion ensued about the need for a local rule and course boundaries. However, the net result was that the majority of the committee considered this to be a relatively trivial issue that did not require a local rule.

 Junior Golfers
Dan Leney stated that there were no facilities in the area that catered for young golfers. He believed that by introducing and encouraging young potential golfers to try out the sport could result in increased membership of both young golfers and their parents.
Dan was asked to consider this further and outline a plan for a taster session or other approach for discussion at the next meeting. 

Next Meeting
The next meeting will be held at Folke on Wednesday 16th April at 6:30 pm. All members are welcome to attend. 

  • Folke Golf Centre
  • Folke Lane
  • Alweston, Sherborne
  • Dorset DT9 5HR
  • 01963  23330