Members Admin

Club Admin Items  & Committee Information

This page shows the administration aspects for club members as discussed at the most recent  committee meeting. (Note: Financial information that is presented by the treasurer, and other information on discussions  is available for review by members in the club house). All club members are welcome to attend the monthly committee meetings and the date of the next meeting can be seen below. 

The following notes show the 2025 Club Officials and pertinent information from the latest  club Committee Meeting.

1       2025 Officials

The following officials were appointed as follows: 
General Secretary - Toni Caswell 
Treasurer -  Debbie Hinks 
Welfare/Safety Officer  - Toni Caswell 
Fixture Secretary  - Steve Harris 
Handicap Secretary -   Martin Blatchford 
Webmaster - Geoff Bannister 
General Committee Members -  Andy Cole, Reece Lambert,  Alan Smith, Terry Cotton, Nathan Lambourne, Simon Bellamy, Dan Leney
Club Captain - Martin Blatchford
Club Vice Captain - Nigel Bow
Senior Captain - John Howes
Senior Fixtures Officer - Gary Rogers
Hardy A Captain - Craig Pitcher
Hardy A Vice Capt.- Nathan Lambourne
Hardy B Captain - Nigel Bow
Hardy B Vice Captain - Kevin Down
3 Counties Captain - Grant Jones
3 Counties Vice Captain - Simon Bellamy
RTTV Captain - Andy Cole

2    Notes from the Committee meeting held on 12th February

 Club Captain
The Club Captain welcomed everyone to the meeting and thanked the members for the support to the Captain’s Drive-In which raised £380 for Julia’s House

Senior Captain
Senior Captain John Howes reported that the senior calendar was in good shape and that the dates for the Senior Captain’s Day and Xmas Stableford agreed with the Fixtures Secretary. The only outstanding arrangements are the Pear Tree Pairs competition.

Hardy A Captain
The match dates are now defined and an action was placed to display the information on the Notice Board. Action: Club Secretary.

Hardy B Captain
The first game is in April but there is a 3CL match scheduled on the same day. An action was placed to check that both matches can be properly supported on the day.

Three Counties Captain
The first league match is scheduled for April and the postponed Winter Knockout is now on the 22nd February.

Handicap Secretary’s Report
H/C Secretary Martin reported that he will be participating in an England Golf Handicap workshop on the 2nd April. This will include topics such as handicap manipulation, course ratings etc. He also stated that it was important that members abide by the rules and ensure that they are logged in and entry fees paid prior to the tee off. Cards should be submitted regularly to ensure that handicaps are kept current.

The club received a bye in the first round of the Daily Mail Foursomes competition and Martin proposed that a qualifying round is played on March 2nd. An Entry Sheet for foursome pairs will be posted shortly. The draw for the second round is due to take place on 7th March.

Secretary’s Report
Secretary Toni reported that nearly all 2025 membership fees (for about 100 members) had now been paid. The small number of members not renewing will be deleted from the books so that the club does not have to pay their affiliation fees. The fees also cover insurance and a virtual County Card.

Any Other Business

• Championship Play Off
The committee unanimously agreed the AGM recommendation to hold a play-off over three holes – the 1st, 2nd, and 18th making it a par 3, par 4, and par 5 play off.

• Pro-Rata Membership Fees
As actioned at the AGM, the committee discussed the pro-rata monthly reduction in membership fees. Previous experiences included players joining just prior to the championships and then leaving again after a winning round. Also, the major events primarily take place in the June to September window. The committee considered that the full fees should apply up to end of September and then a 50% reduction would apply. This would cover the additional affiliation fees that the club has to pay for new members in September each year. Further discussions on this topic and the way ahead will be undertaken at the next meeting.

• Presentation of trophies.
The meeting agreed that the same format should be applied again this year with the trophies being done at the Club and Senior Christmas Stablefords.

• Fairway Definition
It was reported that some members were unsure of the fairway limits particularly where there were newly planted trees. It was considered that this would be resolved by mowing once the grass starts growing again. If in doubt, members should consult with their playing partners and abide by the consensus.

• Club Laptop
Secretary Toni suggested that the purchase of a club lap top for use by officials for club business activities would be very beneficial. Toni’s personal lap top was currently being used so it cannot be made available for shared activities. Costs for a suitable lap top are to be determined. 

• Display Cabinets
Toni reported that additional display cabinets for the various Club Trophies were being provided free of charge for the club. However, some funding will be required for a clothing display so that the club clothing can be displayed in an effective manner rather than being hung up by the notice board. A funding request will be submitted by Toni in due course.

• Two Shot Penalty Drops
Nathan Lambourne queried the application of the two shot penalty drop when a ball had been lost. The committee confirmed that the penalty should be applied in all domestic matches and not just medals . Playing partners must be in agreement as to the area where the ball was lost. 
Further discussion on this subject identified a lack of clarity to members on other club rules that apply and an action was taken to compile a list of potential club rules that members need to be aware of.

• Rule Compliance
Andy Cole asked if there was a defined procedure to establish if the rules of golf had been broken as a result of specific incidents during a round. He was advised that the incident should be raised with the club secretary who would then investigate the incident with the player and playing partners and, where necessary, with support from local experts.

• Prize Options
Geoff Bannister stated that some of the long established club members had accumulated significant numbers of the engraved club glasses and felt that an option to have a voucher for use in the club house or shop would be a preferred alternative. Club Captain Martin agreed to ask Kevin Down to do a survey of members to ascertain whether a glass or a £10 voucher would be the preferred option. 

• Medal Competition Entry
The Club Captain emphasised that the Sunday and Thursday Medal Competitions were open to all club members and could be played at any time during the day – not just as part of a tee time, or pre-match, card draw.

Next Meeting
The next meeting will be held at Folke on Wednesday 12th March at 6:30 pm. All members are welcome to attend. 

  • Folke Golf Centre
  • Folke Lane
  • Alweston, Sherborne
  • Dorset DT9 5HR
  • 01963  23330