Knockout Competitions

Knockout Competitions 

The  final 2024/25 Winter Knockout competitions are shown below. Congratulations to our 3 worthy winners - Andy, Pete and Bob.  The Summer Knockouts are due to commence in April and the Entry Sheets are now on the Notice Board. The entry fee is £2 per competition and must be paid prior to the draw that is scheduled for Wednesday 16th April.

The Club Winter Knockout is for all club members and is a full handicap match play competition. The play by dates for each round are shown on the chart.

The Senior Knockout is for all club members aged 55 and over and is a full handicap match play competition. 

The Veterans Knockout is for all club members aged 70 and over and is a full handicap match play competition. 

  • Folke Golf Centre
  • Folke Lane
  • Alweston, Sherborne
  • Dorset DT9 5HR
  • 01963  23330